TBR Contemporary-a-thon - September 2018
By José Vicente Capa - 14:52
This week, september 17 to 23 of 2018, is happening a new Read-a-thon: Contemporary-a-thon. A Read-a-thon is a period of time where people around the world will be trying to read a big amount of books, usually 7 but can be more. Every Read-a-thon has the goal to make you read as much as you can, and for doing that it has challenges in order to make it fun and to share the experience with other readers.
The hosts for Contemporary-a-thon are:
Since I am participating this year, this are the books the challenges for this Read-a-thon and the books that I will be reading for those challenges:
1. Read a contemporary with orange on the cover
- El (sin) Sentido del Amor, by Javier Ruescas. It has orange in the center of the cover and I have it in my TBR.
2. Read a dark/spooky contemporary.
- Anna Dressed in Blood, by Kendare Blake. It contains some spooky elements and it happens that we are reading this book in the book club of my city Club de Lectura Loja.
3. Read a diverse contemporary.
- Two Boys Kissing, by David Levithan. It contains diverse characters and I wanted to read it for a long time.
4. Read a contemporary in a non-traditional format.
- The Dark Tower: The Gunslinger Born, by Stephen King. The first book in a series of cómics for the Dark Tower series published by Marvel Comics. It is a non-traditional format for me because I have read a few comics in my life.
5. Read a contemporary that has your initials somewhere on the cover.
- The Rest of Us Just Live Here, by Patrick Ness. This one was difficult and I wanted to be as fair as possible. My initials are: J V C S, so I wanted to read a book that contains all this letters. It took a while, but I found in my shelves: J for Just, V in Live, C in Patrick and S in Rest.
6. Read a contemporary from a new to you author.
- El gorrión de Glasgow, by Rita Molina. This book was sent to the book club by the author and I wanted an excuse to read it. I have never read anything from this author, so it is new for me.
7. Read a contemporary that is a 5 star prediction.
- I'll Give You The Sun, by Jandy Nelson. I have this book for the longest time and I wanted it to read it so bad. Since the day I got it I believed I will give it 5 stars.
Wish me luck!
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